Back in December of 2009, five leading scientists from the American Geophysical Union trekked
to the remote Google office in downtown San Francisco. Lost until now, the video of their
presentations have resurfaced. So, for the first time ever, we present, the Lost Archives of the
Google Geo Developers
Jeffrey Cardille of Universitie de Montreal discusses , a new
virtual globe application for the submission, storage, and sharing of point-based ecological
Thijs Damsma of Deltares discusses his use of KML to visualize coastal data.
Ross Beyer of NASA and SETI discusses his work visualizing Mars data
and imagery using Google Earth.
Tyler Erickson of Michigan Tech Research Institute discusses his tools for to visualizing 4-D atmospheric carbon monitoring data using KML and Google Earth
Yaxing Wei of Oak Ridge National Lab discusses his Spatial Data Access Tool which enables visualization and access of geospatial data using
OGC services and Google Earth.
Posted by Mano Marks, Geo APIs team