Aurelius on Getting Wasted

“Be not careless in deeds,
nor confused in words,
nor rambling in thought.

–Marcus Aurelius (121–180)
Roman emperor and philosopher

Sales reminder…

Be careful to minimize any tendencies to over promise or say what you feel needs to be said in a sales call. After getting someone’s attention/ interest, the most important thing is that you learn what your prospects/ customers really want or need and why (not to show what you have or know).

The simplest way to do this is to forget about yourself, your company, your products, and your competition.

Focus only on the discussion and them. Be real. Ask questions and listen (top 30 open-ended questions here).

Care for them and they’ll more likely care for you… by buying. (Get a printable reminder to be real.)


New printable calendars, wallpapers, and salesdays are up for Q1.

No Gomo talks today and tomorrow with Sam (how to keep your team or yourself from going through the motions in 2-11… that’s 212ish for 2011).

212ers: Did you catch the back of VA Tech’s helmets during the Orange Bowl on Monday night? And those 212 wristbands? (see the pictures)

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