Bing Maps and the Open Map Community Connections

Recap – Automatic Road Detection

Before looking at the new front door application, a bit of history might be helpful about the recent direction that Microsoft’s mapping utilities have been taken. You may be aware that, a few months ago, Microsoft released an application that could be used to automatically detect roads from an aerial imagery photograph. The images below show an example output from the service when processing an imagery tile of part of the city of Norwich:


One interesting aspect of the service (remember this service is created and hosted by Microsoft, on their azure platform) is that the resulting points were provided in osmchangeformat – and could be used directly to import road data into Open Street Map. This would potentially allow OSM to create and mass import vector road data in previously unmapped areas automatically and easily, without the manual process of a user tracing the road path by hand.

The Front Door Application

The new front door application, which you can access at a similar model of utilising Bing Maps aerial imagery to potentially benefit the open map community…. how?

Anybody who accesses the site is presented with a random aerial image of a location, and is invited to drag a single pushpin onto the front-door of the nearest house. Here’s the image I was presented with when I went to the site just now:

For this one, I’m going to say that the front door of the house is most likely to be just to the left of the driveway, so I dragged the pushpin to about here:

The new location is submitted, and you get shown a new image. What’s the point? Well, if enough people separately agree on the same location for the front door of this house, the new location is used to update local search results in Bing Maps as well as contributing address data to Open Street Maps – crowd-sourced, frontdoor geocoding of properties…

It’s great to see Microsoft continuing to make use of the Open Database Licence and contributing their imagery for use for the benefit of Open Street Maps again (Bing Maps aerial imagery is also available within the PotLatch OSM editor to enable people to trace the location of features and the outlines of building etc.), as well as thinking up innovative uses of the aerial imagery they have available… I wonder what app they might come up with next?

Session videos from Google I/O now live

With Google I/O 2011 just two days behind us, we wanted to thank the nearly one million developers who joined us at Moscone Center, attended I/O Extended events, and watched online via I/O Live from 161 countries around the world. In addition to the announcements made at the keynote presentations, we had more than 30 announcements in our 110 sessions. HD recordings of all these sessions are now available online. Here are some of the announcements:

Highlights from this year’s event are posted at, where we are featuring photos, announcements, and the latest videos. Also, stay tuned for a feature on “Backstage at Google I/O” where we will highlight the developers and artists who helped to make the event possible this year.

Google I/O kicks off the year as our biggest developer event–but we’re only getting started. As of today, we are announcing locations for our eight Google Developer Days (GDDs), which will take place all over the world with more than a few DevFests in between. Stay tuned for more info on the 2011 event details, but we’ll look forward to seeing you in Brazil, Argentina, Prague, Moscow, Tokyo, Sydney, Israel and Germany for our Google Developer Team world tour.

Open Street Map Road Types For Display and Routefinding

We displayed a set of ways imported from Open Street Map in SQL Server Management Studio. It looked like this:


Now, as I stated previously, OSM ways don’t equate to roads. Ways can be any arbitrary series of nodes, so although at first glance it may appear to be so, the map above does not represent a roadmap. A single way may represent several roads, or only a single segment of one road. Many ways are nothing to do with roads at all – they may be rivers, or railway lines. Ways may also denote the boundaries of an area, such as a county, a park, or a building.

To create a dataset of OSM roads (or footpaths, tracks etc.) suitable for routefinding or display in a road map, it is necessary to retrieve only those ways that contain a tag element with a k attribute of “highway”. The corresponding v attribute describes the type of highway. Examples of possible values include:

  • cycleway
  • footway
  • motorway
  • path
  • pedestrian
  • primary
  • residential
  • road
  • secondary
  • service
  • steps
  • tertiary
  • track
  • unclassified

Note that this list isn’t exhaustive – the design of the OSM schema means that editors can tag ways or nodes with any values, but this is a list of some of the commonly-used tags.

There are many reasons why you might want to categorise each of these highway types separately.

  • Consider access for different modes of transport, for example; clearly, a car can’t go down a cycleway. Nor can a tractor go on a motorway, or a cycle go down steps (unless you’re planning some sort of stunt bike ride).
  • If you’re designing a route-finding application, you might want to consider and compare the relative costs of travelling down different routes. Motorway segments generally have a higher speed limit than primary roads, which in turn have higher average speed than secondary roads, etc. Therefore, a route that maximises the percentage travelled on higher-status roads may well be shorter in time, even if it covers a longer distance.
  • When drawing features onto a map, it’s usual to display different categories of highways with different styles (e.g. motorways coloured blue, primary roads thicker than secondary, tracks as dotted/dashed lines).

As a simple example, to style the Spatial Results tab view of my OSM map to show different categories of roads with different thicknesses I created a table to attach a weight to each highway type, as follows:

CREATE TABLE RoadWeights (
highwaytype varchar(32),
roadweight int
(‘motorway’, 15),
(‘motorway_Link’, 15),
(‘trunk’, 10),
(‘trunk_Link’, 10),
(‘primary’, 8),
(‘primary_Link’, 8),
(‘secondary’, 5),
(‘tertiary’, 3),
(‘residential’, 1),
(‘unclassified’, 0);

Then, I edited my SELECT query to only display rows from my Ways table that were tagged with one of my chosen highway types, and buffered the geography LineString representing each road by the corresponding weight from the RoadWeights table:

wt.TagValue AS highwaytype,
ways w
INNER JOIN waytags wt ON w.wayid = wt.wayid AND wt.TagName = ‘Highway’
LEFT JOIN RoadWeights rw ON wt.TagValue = rw.highwaytype
wt.TagValue IN (‘motorway’, ‘motorway_Link’, ‘trunk’, ‘trunk_Link’, ‘primary’, ‘primary_Link’, ‘secondary’, ‘tertiary’, ‘residential’, ‘unclassified’)

Even when viewed in the SSMS Spatial Results tab, the map already becomes much cleaner than the result shown at the top of this post – with the Norwich inner ring road and its primary arterial roads now clearly visible (and also, the train tracks coming into the railway station on the south east of the city are no longer shown)

Clearly you wouldn’t normally optimise your dataset just for the purposes of display in the SSMS spatial results tab, but you can apply this same technique to attach any other properties that correspond to the type of road – the average road speed limit, accessibility, or styling options that should be passed to a front-end display, for example.