Foursquare Will Totally Show You the Best Spots to Pick Up Desperate Chicks

Dude…it’s like 1am and that chick you bought 5 drinks for totally bailed with her cockblocking grenade friend. SUCKS BRO! Luckily there’s this new Foursquare utility, which’ll lead us to the promised land of drunk-ass breezies down to hook up!

So this thing, called Ratio Finder or something, will make maps using stuff that Foursquare, like, um, tells them. (Bro Speak Translation: Ratio Finder pulls data from the Foursquare API and uses it to plot density maps based on gender.) Bro, we can totally creep on girls, and narrow it down to ones who are eating, shopping, or clubbing, Then it will use pink circles to tell us where there are mad chicks, and blue circles to warn us about sausagefests.

But if you don’t live in San Francisco or New York, you’re totally not getting laid…bro.

New Shopping APIs and Deprecation of the Base API

We are pleased to announce our newest addition to the shopping family — a simple yet powerful programmatic interface that enables retailers to upload their content to Google and query data from Google. The new Shopping APIs have two components: Content and Search. As part of this launch, we’re are also deprecating the Base API and replacing it with today’s new Shopping APIs.

The Content API for Shopping allows retailers to upload product data to Google for use in multiple places online like Google Product Search, Product Ads, Google Affiliate Network, Google Commerce Search, and Shopping Rich Snippets.

The Search API for Shopping makes it easy for our Google Commerce Search customers, Google Affiliate Network publishers, and developers to build innovative applications using product data.

The Shopping APIs replace the Base API
These new Shopping APIs replace the existing Google Base Data API for our content providers and search applications. We are deprecating the Base API and will fully retire it on June 1, 2011. For existing developers making the switch, we’ve provided a Migration Guide to help.

You can read more details about these announcements on the Google Merchant Center blog and our FAQ on Google Base Data API Deprecation.