Worldwide Telescope and Bing Maps

Last month, we showed you that amazing video of Blaise Aguera y Arcas showing off some new and upcoming features of Bing Maps. One of those was the integration of Worldwide Telescope, which is now available.

To try it out for yourself:

  • Go to:
  • Click on Map Apps (bottom of the left-hand rail, below the explore section)
  • Select the WorldWide Telescope App

It’s nothing groundbreaking (we’ve seen both products before), but it’s solid and logical integration that helps make both of them more useful.

Street Slide Bing Maps

In the video above Blaise Aguera y Arcas of Bing is demonstrating a new Photosynth application for iPhones. The application is expected to be released in the coming months.

It looks like Photosynths captured with the iPhone could be added to Bing Maps. In the second half of the video Blaise demonstrates Street Slide. Street Slide is a side on view of a road, which can be scrolled left and right. If you zoom in Street Slide seamlessly integrates with Street Side (Street View) views.

Street Slide is available in the lastest version of Bing for iPhone.