Roddick on Excitement


Passion persuades.”

– Anita Roddick (1942–2007)

English entrepreneur and activist

founder of The Body Shop

A simple challenge where everyone wins (you and those around you). No risk. No additional time required.

Within the next 3 weeks (or maybe the next 3 minutes), set a 2-day period as your days (or your team’s days) to inspire others. Two days where you’ll put on blinders to anything negative and be the one in the office who everyone else can count on for words and actions that inspire and encourage. Two days where you’re the light for other people – your colleagues, your prospects, your customers – no matter what.

Allow nothing negative and focus only on your service to others.

Shakespeare on The Mind Game


“Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt.”

–William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

English writer

There’s nothing more powerful to the salesday than enthusiasm (except maybe an incredible amount of overnight sales that you didn’t expect). It excites everyone to positive action…

  • you
  • your team
  • your prospect
  • the new customer you just brought on board
  • the internal department responsible for the delivery of what you just sold
  • the receptionist who talks with your prospects and customers first

As you work with your people today (and tomorrow) your level of enthusiasm will impact all of them (one way or the other). What do you want your impact to be?

Jobs on Guts and Trust

“You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

–Steve Jobs (1955 – )
American businessman
Co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc.

There’s nothing more powerful to the salesday than enthusiasm. It excites everyone to positive action…

  • you
  • your team
  • your prospect
  • the new customer you just brought on board
  • the internal department responsible for the delivery of what you just sold
  • the receptionist who talks with your prospects and customers first

As you work with your people today (and tomorrow) your level of enthusiasm will impact all of them (one way or the other). What do you want your impact to be?

TGIS (Thank God it’s Smonday*)