Излезе BGmaps for Android – beta

Излезе БГмапс за Андроид – бета!

С BGmaps за Android лесно и удобно ползватe карти на България и всички български градове.
С BGmaps можете:
– да търсите адреси в градовете и местоположение на други населени места;
– бързо да въведете адрес с подсказка (autocomplete);
– да видите къде сте върху картата (с включен GPS и/ли безжична мрежа);
– да откриете полезни обекти – заведения, банкомати, спирки, болници, училища, институции,
офиси на компании и др.;
– да добавяте обекти върху картата, които да се показват на всички потребители, както в
BGmaps за Android, така и в www.bgmaps.com.
В раздел «Моите места» може да записвате избрани точки на картата, които да ползвате лично
или да споделите с другите през Facebook, мейл и др.
В раздел «Моят град» може да изпратите до Вашата община съобщения за проблеми и
нередности. Може да видите и всички съобщения от общината и изпратените сигнали до нея.
BGmaps за Android изисква регистрация чрез имейл адрес или Facebook. Регистрацията
позволява да ползвате «Моите места», «Моят град» и да въвеждате нови публични обекти в
BGmaps за Android изисква връзка с интернет. За да пести трафик запазва видяните карти.
BGmaps за Android изисква налична SD карта.
Ключови думи: България, карта, карти, улица,адрес, квартал, град, село, курорт, bulgaria
The application is in Bulgarian language only.
Key words: Bulgaria, map, maps, street, address
KW: София, Пловдив, Варна, Бургас, Русе, Стара Загора
Айтос, Аксаково, Алфатар, Антоново, Априлци, Ардино, Асеновград, Ахелой, Ахтопол, Балчи,
Банкя, Банско, Баня, Батак, Батановци, Белене, Белица, Белово, Белоградчик, Белослав,
Берковица, Благоевград, Бобов дол, Бобошево, Божурище, Бойчиновци, Болярово, Борово,
Ботевград, Брацигово, Брегово, Брезник, Брезово, Брусарци, Бухово, Българово, Бяла,
Бяла, Бяла Слатина, Бяла черква, Велики Преслав, Велико Търново, Велинград, Ветово,
Ветрен, Видин, Враца, Вълчедръм, Вълчи дол, Върбица, Вършец, Габрово, Генерал Тошево,
Главиница, Глоджево, Годеч, Горна Оряховица, Гоце Делчев, Грамада, Гулянци, Гурково,
Гълъбово, Две могили, Дебелец, Девин, Девня, Джебел, Димитровград, Димово, Добринище,
Добрич, Долна Митрополия, Долна Оряховица, Долна баня, Долни Дъбник, Долни чифлик,
Доспат, Драгоман, Дряново, Дулово, Дунавци, Дупница, Дългопол, Елена, Елин Пелин,
Елхово, Етрополе, Завет, Земен, Златарица, Златица, Златоград, Ивайловград, Игнатиево,
Искър, Исперих, Ихтиман, Каблешково, Каварна, Казанлък, Калофер, Камено, Каолиново,
Карлово, Карнобат, Каспичан, Кермен, Килифарево, Китен, Клисура, Кнежа, Козлодуй, Койнаре,
Копривщица, Костандово, Костенец, Костинброд, Котел, Кочериново, Кресна, Криводол, Кричим,
Крумовград, Крън, Кубрат, Куклен, Кула, Кърджали, Кюстендил, Левски, Летница, Ловеч,
Лозница, Лом, Луковит, Лъки, Любимец, Лясковец, Мадан, Маджарово, Малко Търново, Мартен,
Мездра, Мелник, Меричлери, Мизия, Момин проход, Момчилград, Монтана, Мъглиж, Неделино,
Несебър, Николаево, Никопол, Нова Загора, Нови Искър, Нови пазар, Обзор, Омуртаг, Опака,
Оряхово, Павел баня, Павликени, Пазарджик, Панагюрище, Перник, Перущица, Петрич,
Пещера, Пирдоп, Плачковци, Плевен, Плиска, Полски Тръмбеш, Поморие, Попово, Пордим,
Правец, Приморско, Провадия, Първомай, Раднево, Радомир, Разград, Разлог, Ракитово,
Раковски, Рила, Роман, Рудозем, Садово, Самоков, Сандански, Сапарева баня, Свети Влас,
Свиленград, Свищов, Своге, Севлиево, Сеново, Септември, Силистра, Симеоновград, Симитли,
Славяново, Сливен, Сливница, Сливо поле, Смолян, Смядово, Созопол, Сопот, Средец,
Стамболийски, Стражица, Стралджа, Стрелча, Суворово, Сунгурларе, Сухиндол, Съединение,
Сърница, Твърдица, Тервел, Тетевен, Тополовград, Троян, Трън, Тръстеник, Трявна, Тутракан,
Търговище, Угърчин, Хаджидимово, Харманли, Хасково, Хисаря, Цар Калоян, Царево,
Чепеларе, Червен бряг, Черноморец, Чипровци, Чирпан, Шабла, Шивачево, Шипка, Шумен,
Ябланица, Якоруда, Ямбол.

Линк към Андроид маркет


Линк за дирктен даунлоуд

Google Street View is mapping Bulgarian streets soon

Google is now ready to finally begin touring the streets of Bulgarian cities and towns, a report by website dnevnik.bg claimed on February 14.

Google Street View, which offers panoramic views from a particular spot alongside a street, can be used both through Google Maps and Google Earth applications.

It was unclear which cities Google’s camera cars will tour first, but the list of destinations included all the major cities – Sofia, Varna and Plovdiv – as well as about 70 towns. The list included all of Bulgaria’s major winter (Borovets, Bansko, Pamporovo) and summer resorts (Slunchev Bryag, Zlatni Pyassutsi, Balchik and Sozopol, among others), as well as historical towns like Koprivshtitsa and Melnik.

As is in other countries, Google will blur out faces and licence plates of cars caught on camera. Separately, people will have the option to ask Google to blur out photos of their property if they so desire.

The report did not specify an expected date for when street views of Bulgarian cities and towns would be available, given that it will take several months to process the photos and string them together.

Google Earth: New Imagery Updates

The winter and holiday seasons are quickly approaching but that hasn’t stopped the Google Earth and Maps Imagery Team from updating aerial and satellite imagery throughout the globe. Today, we’d like to share several interesting features identified in this latest release.

The first example shown below is part of an aerial image acquired this past September of the ski slopes in Breckenridge, Colorado. The slopes have already accumulated several inches of snow over the past few weeks and although it’s still very early in the ski season, a third of all ski lifts are now open! If you can’t make it to the mountains quite yet, be sure to experience the next best thing with Street View imagery from some of the most popular ski destinations.

Perspective view of ski slopes in Breckenridge, Colorado

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is full of iconic landmarks from American history. The aerial image shown below, which was acquired this past October, shows some of the most well known buildings along the east bank of the Schuylkill River. At the bottom left of the image are the fifteen structures comprising Boathouse Row, and the upper right shows the Fairmount Water Works and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In the far right corner of the image are the stone steps made famous in the Rocky movies.

Boathouse Row, Fairmount Water Works and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“X” marks the spot in the satellite image below of part of Miramar, Argentina. Of course, the feature is comprised of roads that lead to the town’s central sculpture, Monumento al Gral Alvarado, and the four parks comprising the central plaza.

Miramar, Argentina

As we close in on the Christmas season, it seems appropriate to feature several well known churches that have been updated with new imagery. The first example, shown below, is aerial imagery of the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Gdańsk, Poland. The structure is considered one of the largest Brick Gothic buildings ever constructed, and has sufficient space to hold 25,000 people!

Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gdańsk, Poland

This next example shows updated aerial imagery of Burgos, Spain. In the upper left, is the Burgos Castle, overlooking the Burgos Cathedral in the lower right. This cathedral is famous for its vast size and unique French Gothic architecture.

Burgos, Spain

Finally, below is an updated image of the Calvary Baptist Church of Hi Vista, California, perhaps one of the more notable churches of late. This church was of course used famously in the Kill Bill Vol. I movie as the site of near demise for the heroine, “The Bride.”

Calvary Baptist Church, Hi Vista, California

If you’d like to receive an email notification when the Google Earth and Maps Imagery team updates your favorite site(s), we’ve got just the tool: The Follow Your World application!

These are only a few examples of the types of features that can be seen and discovered in our latest batch of published imagery. Happy exploring!

High resolution aerial updates:
USA: Alamosa, CO; Albany, NY; Altoona, PA; Atlanta, GA; Bartlesville, OK; Bishop, CA; Boise City, OK; Clarksville, TN; Clayton, NM; Edwards, CA; Erie, PA; Georgetown, SC; Great Bend, KS; Guymon, OK; Hot Springs, AR; Lamar, CO; Lawton, OK; Llano, TX; McAlester, OK; Merced, CA; Oklahoma City, OK; Palmdale, CA; Philadelphia, PA; Redding, CA; Roseburg, OR; Scranton, PA; Springfield, MO; Texarkana, TX; Twin Falls, ID; Vail, CO

Poland: Bielsko-Biala, Lubaczowski, Malborski, Mazowieckie, Mielecki, Wolowski, Wolczyn,

Spain: Burgos

Switzerland: Horgen

Countries/regions receiving high resolution satellite updates:
Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Svalbard, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, West Bank, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

These updates are now available in both Google Maps and Google Earth. For a complete picture of where we updated imagery, download this KML for viewing in Google Earth.