Aurelius on Crossing The Line


Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretense.”

–Marcus Aurelius (121–180)
Roman emperor, philosopher


With everything, there’s a line.

On one side of the line is a greater chance to make good things happen (better results, better relationships, more responsibility). This is where you’ll find all those people you admire.

On the other side, there’s less of a chance.

And with each line, there’s a choice. You want to cross the line or you don’t. You want the better chance at making good things happen (meaningful things) or you settle with the lesser chance.

Your choice.

It seems simple but…

Then there’ll be those times. Those times when in the short run it’ll seem like you can’t cross the line (no matter what you do).


Nietzsche on Strength Training


“What does not destroy me,
makes me stronger.

–Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)
German philosopher

Objections are a requirement to a successful salesday. It means you’re engaging your prospects and customers and helps you move the sales process along (or end the process with an unqualified prospect).



C.C. Krulak on Conviction and Purpose

“I do not intend for ‘honor, courage, and commitment’ to be just words; I expect them to frame the way that we live and act.

–Charles C. Krulak (1942 – )
31st Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps

Email this quote

Sales commitment…

If asked, what would you and your team say are your core values?

In the U.S. Marine Corps publication, “Sustaining the Transformation” (pdf), their’s are listed as Honor – Courage – Commitment. If you lead a team, the foreword (at a minimum) by General Krulak is time well-spent. It, along with the Fortune story “From Wharton to War“, is great leadership inspiration for creating a special team of people (and that’s what you want as a leader… isn’t it?).

So many great teamwork points in the Fortune piece (love the “bino” request).

Imagine if we could approach our work in the civilian world with the same commitment.

If you’re looking for a way to hold meetings on the web, take advantage of Fuze Meeting’s 30-day free trial. It’s incredibly simple to use, painless for your attendees (no downloads or installations needed), and inexpensive (use this link).