Waters on The Big Picture


“We can’t think narrowly. We have to think in the biggest possible way.”

–Alice Waters (1944 – )

American chef and writer

If asked, what would you and your team say are your core values?

In the U.S. Marine Corps publication, “Sustaining the Transformation” (pdf), their’s are listed as Honor – Courage – Commitment. If you lead a team, the foreword (at a minimum) by General Krulak is time well-spent. It, along with the Fortune story “From Wharton to War“, is great inspiration for creating a special team of people (as a leader with a title or not).

And that’s what you want to be a part of, don’t you? A special team of people?

So many great teamwork points in the Fortune piece. We love the “bino” request. If you’ve got teenagers or college students, consider passing it along to them and then discussing it (we need them ready when they join us in the world).


Einstein on Gomos and D-grunts


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition
from mediocre minds.”

–Albert Einstein (1879–1955)
Swiss physicist

ego: noun: 1. the self 2. an inflated sense of self-significance

Imagine a world without ego. No…

  • Toes to step on
  • Feelings to hurt
  • Fair shares to grab
  • Territory to defend
  • Fault to allocate
  • Back to watch
  • Last words to get
  • Ideas to hold back
  • Embarrassment to bear
  • Battles to win
  • Knowledge to prove
  • Entitlement to have
  • Encouragement to withhold
  • Credit to seek
  • Grudges to hold
  • Jealousy to feel
  • Revenge to take
  • Hidden meanings to construe

Speak no ego. Be no ego.


McFerrin on Double Trouble


“In every life we have some trouble, but when you worry you make it double. Don’t worry. Be happy.

–Bobby McFerrin (1950 – )
American music artist
10-time Grammy Award winner

What are the most common “drag you down, get in the way of success” thoughts?

  • Defeatist (accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat)
  • Cynical (contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives)
  • Vindictive (seeking revenge)
  • Blame/ Fault (who cares? what are we going to do now?)
  • Wishful (do what you can to influence the deal and keep moving)
  • Self-pity (get over yourself… complain less… especially to yourself)
