Shakespeare on Living It

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.”

–William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
English playwright and poet


With everything, there’s a line.

On one side of the line is a greater chance to make good things happen (better results, better relationships, more responsibility). This is where you’ll find all those people you admire.

On the other side, there’s less of a chance.

And with each line, there’s a choice. You want to cross the line or you don’t. You want the better chance at making good things happen (meaningful things) or you settle with the lesser chance.

Your choice.

It seems simple but…

Then there’ll be those times. Those times when in the short run it’ll seem like you can’t cross the line (no matter what you do).


Van Gogh on The Possibilities

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

–Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)
Dutch painter

Sales ego…

ego: noun: 1. the self 2. an inflated sense of self-significance

Imagine a world without ego. No…

  • Toes to step on
  • Feelings to hurt
  • Fair shares to grab
  • Territory to defend
  • Fault to allocate
  • Back to watch
  • Last words to get
  • Ideas to hold back
  • Embarrassment to bear
  • Battles to win
  • Knowledge to prove
  • Entitlement to have
  • Encouragement to withhold
  • Credit to seek
  • Grudges to hold
  • Jealousy to feel
  • Revenge to take
  • Hidden meanings to construe

Speak no ego. Be no ego.

(5 quick points to getting closer to less ego)


No going through the motions in 2011… Register for one Sam’s 15-minute online talks this morning or tomorrow (co-founder of JustSell).

Virgil on Pushing Your Luck

“Fortune favors the brave.

–Virgil (70B.C.–19B.C.)
Roman poet

Email this quote

Sales ready…

Professionals are prepared. Period.

SalesReady (‘sAlz-’re-dE): adjective

1: relentlessly prepared mentally and physically for any possible sales scenario that may arise at any time 2: leaving nothing to chance 3: a pleasure to work with

Are you and your team SalesReady? Is everyone on the same page?

Download JustSell’s free guide at and be sure.

It’s your sales life. You’re responsible for your results.


Are you pushing your luck?