Branson on Getting Over It


“I’m not the sort of person
who fears failure.

– Richard Branson (1950 – )
English entrepreneur
chairman of Virgin Group

Comfort. Risk. Both are enjoyable.

One we strive to create. One we try to minimize.

One can make us lazy. One can make us stronger.

When did you last risk failure? When did you last leave your comfort zone?

Nansen on Fear Itself

Never stop because you are
afraid – you are never so likely to
be wrong.”

–Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930)

Norwegian explorer

Nobel Peace Prize winner

What you expect to happen – what you believe in your mind – can have a tremendous impact on what actually does happen.

If you’re going to try to accomplish something – if you make the decision to make the attempt – the best thing you can do for yourself is to expect a positive outcome. Anything else can only inhibit your efforts.

Worst-case: If you fail, you get an education for your future efforts.

Minimize your doubts, be positively expectant, and Cross The Line.


We earn more challenges by dealing with and overcoming more challenges.

Embrace your experience. Enjoy the weather.

weathered: (adjective) seasoned by exposure to the weather

seasoned: (adjective) made fit by experience


Keller on Being Bold

Avoiding danger is no safer in
the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as
the bold.”

–Helen Keller (1880–1968)
American humanitarian
advocate for the deaf and blind

Email this quote

Sales push…

Take action.

Make the call (contact).
Ask the (real) questions.
Seek out the objections (the truth).

Don’t waste a moment going through the motions. (no gomos)

You’re in sales. Everyone depends on you.

(If you’ve not seen it or need a reminder, 1 minute from Nike…
excusing us not.)