Lewis on The Influential

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”

–C.S. Lewis (1898–1963)

Irish writer, scholar

Who’s in your circle? Are they a good influence on you? Are you a good influence on them?

3 years from now, when your colleagues/ team are talking with someone (at your company or somewhere else), will you be one of the people they describe as positively influential to their growth and career?

It’s your sales life. Choose your people and impact wisely.

Proverb on Taking Care of You

“He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

–Proverbs 15:32

You don’t know everything.

You do know that, don’t you?

Continual learning is a basic necessity to professional improvement and in many cases it’s other people who will help you get there.

But only if you’re coachable. Are you?

To be coachable means to be…

  • Approachable
  • Attentive
  • Receptive
  • Curious
  • Objective
  • Trusting
  • Shapeable
  • Confident

It means you must listen with the intent to learn rather than to show what you know – exactly the type of listening required in the sales process.