Van Gogh on The Details

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

–Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)

Dutch painter

Are you holding yourself accountable as a leader (with a title or not)?

As leaders, we enjoy the responsibility of helping people develop in a way that encourages them to hold themselves accountable for their attitudes, their work, and their results.

We need to be as disciplined, resourceful, and resilient in our efforts as we ask our people to be in theirs.

Relentless leadership is embracing the fact that the need for solid & ongoing reinforcement never ends and uncomfortable conversations are a necessity. This is how we create something special.

Managers: How much development attention are you giving to your team? (20% of your week would be a full day of nothing but development time… 40% would be two full days, beginning to end)

Download JustSell’s Sales Management Checklist and be sure you’re on top of what’s most important.

Professionals: Don’t have a coaching manager? Consider finding a development partner. Here are some ideas on getting started.
