Japan: Visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Street View

We’ve added many historic sites to Street View to let you explore these places online, and now we’ve included Street View imagery of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial,  also known as the “Atomic Bomb Dome.” On August 6, 1945 at 8:15am, the first nuclear device to be used in warfare exploded almost directly above this building. The annihilated structure became an iconic symbol of the bomb’s devastation, and despite rebuilding the rest of the city, Hiroshima decided to keep the Dome in its post-war condition to stand as a living testament to the horror of nuclear conflict.

The Atomic Dome has always been an important reminder of history, but also a living beacon for the message of global peace. The desire to experience the Peace Memorial as a physical space makes it a great match for Street View, which both enables people around the world to tour the site virtually and also preserves this important imagery for the next generation. We hope that the imagery will inspire users outside of Japan take a new interest in Hiroshima’s history and think deeply about the importance and meaning of peace.

Along with this Atomic Dome imagery, we have also added special collections of seven places in Hiroshima Prefecture, including Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the “floating” Itsukushima Shrine at both high and low tide.

Churchill on Ramping Down

“This is no time for ease and comfort.
It is the time to dare and endure.”

–Winston Churchill (1874–1965)
British prime minister during WWII

Sales revolution…

Too many people will lose today’s productivity in anticipation of the weekend.

On Monday, too many people will complain about the start of the week (search Twitter for the word “Mondays” at 8 am for proof).

Could you spark a little positive revolution and help someone else break out of the TGIF mentality (or yourself if it applies)? Could you help inspire a “let’s kick some @$$” Monday morning start to the week (luksa… it’s Polish for “let’s kick some @$$”… okay, it’s an acronym we made up… get a printable reminder here)?

Wouldn’t both be more fun (and profitable)? How about just starting it at home?

If you’ve not seen it, here’s 1-minute from Nike that always gets to me (in a very, very good way).

(tbif: too bad it’s Friday… the last sales day of the week)


Google Places Odds and Ends

Google Places Help: Instructions Included for Multi-Language Listings

Google has long noted that having the same listing in multiple languages was acceptable. If you were not extremely careful merging of the multi lingual listings might occur unless they had been bulk uploaded. Google has now updated the Places Help Pages to include instructions (if not warnings) as how to proceed:

Multi-Language Listings

In bilingual countries, it is possible to add your listing in each language spoken in that respective country.

If content of each language is very similar in only one field, such as describing ‘Most Famous Restaurant’, it’s possible to add each translation in every field. For example, use the following most famous restaurant / restaurant le plus célèbre.

If the content needs to be translated in each field, business owners should create a listing for each language. To change the language in your Places account, use the dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner of the web page.

Google Places Showing Related Places Twice On Page

This started showing up yesterday in Places… a bug? a feature? a test? an indicator of things to come? Hard to tell with Places these days…

Google Coupons Offers Now Showing in Maps List View

Slowly but surely Google coupons Offers are working their way toward the surface of Google. As Greg Sterling points out, this is one market that Google had an early start in but never capitalized on. Offers are now starting to surface in Maps List View.

TechCrunch recently reported Coupons.com has reached the $ Billion dollar level in coupons printed. …. whether Google can play in the coupon area or needs to buy someone is unclear. What is clear is that Google obviously recognizes their importance to local marketing