Springsteen on Fire and Worry


“You can’t start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart.”

–Bruce Springsteen (1949 – )

American music artist

What you expect to happen – what you believe in your mind – can have a tremendous impact on what actually does happen.

If you’re going to try to accomplish something – if you make the decision to make the attempt – the best thing you can do for yourself (and your colleagues) is to expect a positive outcome. Anything else can only inhibit your efforts.

Worst-case: If you fail, you get an education for your future efforts.



We earn more challenges by dealing with and overcoming more challenges.

Embrace your experience. Enjoy the weather.


Salk on The Risky


“Risks, I like to say,
always pay off.
You learn what to do,
or what not to do.”

–Jonas Salk (1914–1995)

American biologist

Developed the vaccine for polio

Always seeking certainty before taking action can severely limit productivity. In some cases, the evaluation and search for certainty is more costly than a potential failure due to action.
