Armstrong on Pushing Through


Pain is temporary.
Quitting lasts forever.”

– Lance Armstrong (1971 – )

American cyclist

7-time Tour de France champion

cancer survivor

In 1996, Armstrong was 25 (and ranked the No. 1 cyclist in the world) when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer that spread to his stomach, lungs, and brain. Doctors gave him less than a 40% chance of survival.

Two years later, after a miraculous recovery, he got back on a bike but quit a race in Paris realizing he wasn’t ready (ironic given today’s quote).

The following year (and the next 6), he won the Tour de France and retired as the only person to win it seven times.

Armstrong on Being Awake

Time is limited, so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action, and purpose.”

–Lance Armstrong (1971 – )

American cyclist

7-time winner of the Tour de France

Cancer survivor

If asked, what would you and your team say are your core values?

In the U.S. Marine Corps publication, “Sustaining the Transformation” (pdf), their’s are listed as Honor – Courage – Commitment. If you lead a team, the foreword (at a minimum) by General Krulak is time well-spent. It, along with the Fortune story “From Wharton to War“, is great inspiration for creating a special team of people (as a leader with a title or not).

And that’s what you want to be a part of, don’t you? A special team of people?

So many great teamwork points in the Fortune piece. We love the “bino” request. If you’ve got teenagers or college students, consider passing it along to them and then discussing it (we need them ready when they join us in the world). It’s a little Be No Ego-like.
