Lewis on Tiny Big Action


“The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of.”

– C.S. Lewis (1898–1963)
Irish writer and scholar

How many of us have wished we’d given something (or someone) a little extra effort or attention earlier in the quarter/ year rather than later?

Lewis’s thought encourages us to care about what/ who is in front of us now… to fully use today (this salesday) and enjoy what it brings us in the future.

ICA Maps of the Month

For most of the past year, the International Cartographic Association has had a Map of the Month section on its website that has featured maps and atlases from public institutions and private publishers from around the world. “At the moment the Map of the Month section features all winners of the map exhibition of International Cartographic Conferences (ICC),” says the site; we’ll see where it goes from there. Via MAPS-L.

ICA Maps of the Month first appeared on The Map Room: A Weblog About Maps on November 6, 2010. Copyright