Curie on The Gift


“We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”

– Marie Curie (1867–1934)
French physicist and chemist
two-time Nobel Prize winner

Think about your work (contribution).

Whether you feel lucky or not with what you’ve been given (or earned) as your opportunity to work, you’re ultimately just a steward of it for a relatively brief period in time.

It will be handed off to someone else at some point (your territory, your team, your customers).

If you thought of that work as being put in a box to be given to someone else, what would you want the recipient to think when they opened it up?

Wouldn’t you want it to be something that’s difficult to improve on?

Wouldn’t you want them to crack open that box… look in… smile… and say… “Wow. That’s great work.”

Lewis on Wonderful Necessity


“It is wonderful what you can do when you have to.”

– C.S. Lewis (1898–1963)

Irish writer, scholar

Take action.

Make the call (contact).

Ask the (real) questions.

Seek out the objections (the truth).


Don’t waste a moment going through the motions.

You’re in sales. Everyone depends on you.

“Look around, leaves are brown

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.”

Paul Simon (1941 – )

American music artist

Levi-Montalcini on Contribution

“It’s not enough what I did in the past – there is also the future.

–Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909 – )
Italian scientist, senator
Nobel Prize winner

Think about your work (contribution).

Whether you feel lucky or not with what you’ve been given (or earned) as your opportunity to work, you’re ultimately just a steward of it for a relatively brief period in time.

It will be handed off to someone else at some point (your territory, your team, your customers).

If you thought of that work as being put in a box to be given to someone else, what would you want the recipient to think when they opened it up?

Wouldn’t you want it to be something that’s difficult to improve on?

Wouldn’t you want them to crack open that box… look in… smile… and say… “Wow. That’s great work.”
