Disraeli on Boldness

Life is too short to be little.”

–Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881)

British prime minister and writer

Sales reminder…

Take action.

Make the call (contact).

Ask the (real) questions.

Seek out the objections (the truth).


Don’t waste a moment going through the motions. (no gomos)

You’re in sales. Everyone depends on you.


Gibran on The Good Side

“The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious of the rose.”

–Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931)
Lebanese writer and philosopher

Sales list…

What are the most common “drag you down, get in the way of success” thoughts?

  • Defeatist (accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat)
  • Cynical (contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives)
  • Vindictive (seeking revenge)
  • Blame/ Fault (who cares? what are we going to do now?)
  • Wishful (do what you can to influence the deal and keep moving)
  • Self-pity (get over yourself… complain less… especially to yourself)

Get the complete list (5 more) and a printable reminder.

(Some definitions provided by Merriam-Webster. Most popular thoughts provided by your JustSell team. They’re not our thoughts, you understand. We have friends with these thoughts.)

Jessica on New Year Possibility

“I can do anything good!

American 4-year-old motivator (1997 – )

Sales choice…

With everything, there’s a line.

On one side of the line is a greater chance to make good things happen (better results, better relationships, more responsibility). This is where you’ll find all those people you admire.

On the other side, there’s less of a chance.

And with each line, there’s a choice. You want to cross the line or you don’t. You want the better chance at making good things happen (meaningful things) or you settle with the lesser chance.

Your choice.

It seems simple but…

Then there’ll be those times. Those times when in the short run it’ll seem like you can’t cross the line (no matter what you do).

But then (read more / hear more)…
