Nightingale on Feeling Results


“One’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”

– Florence Nightingale (1820–1910)
English pioneer of modern nursing

Objections are a requirement to a successful salesday. It means you’re engaging your prospects and customers and helps you move the sales process along (or end the process with an unqualified prospect).

Torrance on Scary Rest

“All work and no play makes Jack
a dull boy.

– Jack Torrance

American hotel caretaker

from the film, The Shining (1980)

Sales reminder…

Always seeking certainty before taking action can severely limit productivity. In some cases, the evaluation and search for certainty is more costly than a potential failure due to action.

Worst case scenario for a wrong move is generally nothing more than an education.

Consider getting in the game a bit earlier the next time an opportunity arises. Avoid the “paralysis of analysis” and risk the uncertainty.

Avoid the top 3 sales hobbles during the money hours… (1) Talking with people who can’t move the sales process along (2) Over-the-top research before making contact (3) “Crafting” or “drafting” a script, email, or letter.

Nietzsche on Strength Training


“What does not destroy me,
makes me stronger.

–Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)
German philosopher

Objections are a requirement to a successful salesday. It means you’re engaging your prospects and customers and helps you move the sales process along (or end the process with an unqualified prospect).

