Now playing: Faster movie search on Android and iPhone

With the December movie season in full swing, we’ve just made it even faster and easier to discover movies, showtimes and theaters, all from your smartphone. Now when you search for [movies] or your favorite theater like [century san francisco] on from your phone, you’ll see interactive results for movies in a new swipeable ribbon, with the most relevant information displayed at the top of the page.

For each movie, you’ll see the movie poster, a short summary, ratings and the nearest theaters and showtimes. Designed to help you quickly browse what’s playing in theaters now, this information instantly updates as you slide through the movie posters — no need to wait for a page to load or to use the back button.

To learn more about a movie, tap the movie title to find details like the cast and a full summary. And if you see a play button on the movie poster, you can tap to view the official trailer. You can even buy tickets directly from your smartphone by tapping on underlined showtimes — and skip past those long holiday box office lines!

So the next time you head out to see sagas of vampires, the world’s biggest Muppets fan, dancing penguins or nearly impossible heists, try the new interactive results for movies by visiting on your iOS or Android phone’s browser and searching for [movies], [theaters] or a movie title. This feature is available in English, in the US.

(Cross-posted on the Inside Search blog)

The Arch Viz – Lumion

Realtime rendering has moved on a long way in recent years – a prime example is Lumion® a real-time 3D visualisation tool for architects, urban planners and designers.

Suited for creating videos, still renderings and live demonstrations with a quick turnaround Lumion provides high quality output and best of all there is a free version, the movie below provides a look at version 1.0:

In terms of cityscapes Nano 3D Virtual Studio entered the Lumion architecture visualization competition 2011, the results are impressive:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Небо видело все – Stalker Film part 2

“Небо видело все” – короткометражной фильм часть Вторая. 21 мая состоялся релиз в Царскосельском доме молодежи, а уже сегодня мы рады сообщить о интернет-премьере. Хотим выразить благодарность всей команде за отличную работу! Приятного просмотра!

Режиссер: Константин Шелепов Продюсер: Пётр Желтухин Сценарий: Константин Шелепов, Карина Гимазова Операторы: Константин Шелепов, Александр Смирнов Фотограф: Александр Смирнов В ролях: Вячеслав Тихонович Гроздов, Александр Филиппов, Мария Зайцева, Петр Желтухин, Юрий Клементьев, Глеб Драчёв, Игорь Шелепов, Александр Смирнов, Дмитрий Кривошеенко, Виталий Логинов, Евгений Лучинскас, Константин Сироткин и другие..

The new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. movie is already here!
This is part 2 of 3.
Enjoy it!

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Небо видело все – Stalker Film part 1
