OpenSocial Container and Application Developers

Do you work on the implementation of a container or develop applications within existing OpenSocial containers? If so, we’d love to interview you in a new blog post series that will allow developers to showcase the new and innovative things that they are doing with OpenSocial.

We’re especially interested in hearing from the community about:

  • The challenges you’ve experienced while working with the specification and how you overcame them.
  • Are there any technologies or specifications that you’ve integrated with an OpenSocial container or application that you believe married well with the OpenSocial specification?
  • How is OpenSocial being used within enterprise solutions?
  • How is OpenSocial being used on mobile devices?
  • Are there any technical implementations that you thought worked especially well? Code implementations to showcase these integrations are always welcome.
  • Do you have any helpful tips, techniques or snippets that have been useful to you in the past?

Using these “OpenSocial in the wild” posts, we’re hoping to hear more voices from the community and give creators the spotlight. These are the people that are on the front lines, implementing, and hearing from them what works, what failed, and what customers took to as far as features will allow us all to better understand how this technology is being used.

If you would like to be heard, please e-mail me at nakedtechnologist at gmail dot com and tell me, in brief, what you’re doing with OpenSocial. I’ll ask you a series of questions from that initial overview and then feature you in our new “OpenSocial in the wild” blog posts.

Become an OpenSocial Board Member! Nominations are open!

As President of OpenSocial, I’m pleased to announce that the nominations for the Community Elected Board seat are now Open! The nomination period will run from December 6, 2010 through Jan 9, 2011, when voting will commence.

Anyone OpenSocial member is able to serve on the board. The only requirement to nominate or hold the position is that you must be a member of the OpenSocial Foundation. There are no membership fees to join OpenSocial. All you need to do is fill out a simple on-line membership application.

Posted by Mark Weitzel, President, OpenSocial Foundation