CLICK HERE : Samsung Galaxy Tab Review: The Galaxy S™ 4G has a brilliant screen to entertain you, and an HD camcorder to capture and share the best moments in life. Whether you’re watching live sports, streaming your favorite shows, or video chatting face-to-face with Qik™, your on-the-go time just got better. Stream your favorite shows and NBA games on T-Mobile TV with mobile HD.
The Swedish on Embracing Responsibility
“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”
–Swedish Proverb
Sales thought…
You’re a part of the group that will make your company or organization something special (or not) in 2011.
You won’t be fortunate enough to get things right every time, just be sure you’re always one of the people working toward the solution.
Gomos and D-grunts be gone.
(gomo: one who goes through the motions, d-grunt: one who is disgruntled and takes no responsibility)
Be safe tonight!
Cultural Geography Notes for Halloween Movies
Forget the mainstream Hollywood Halloween movies (not that there is anything wrong with mainstream Hollywood films compared to other schools of industry).