BBC Nuclear Power Map

BBC Nuclear Power Mapped

BBC Nuclear power mapped


See the development and introduction of Nuclear Power from 1955 onwards with the time slider at the bottom.

BBC Nuclear Power Map.

Notes on the data and map:

Data in the map above is sourced to the IAEA. The map uses current political boundaries.

Data showing the percentage of electricity that nuclear power contributes to each countries’ total electricity production is only available from 1985-2010.

Apple Getting Ready to Enter Mobile Navigation Space

So last week Google threw down a huge hand in the bid to be the dominate mobile navigation company.  Heck I can’t even remember who else has mobile navigation devices besides them anymore (though that might be the eggnog talking).  It looks like Apple is going to give it a go for their iOS devices.

Apple seeks job candidates with “valuable knowledge” related to the development of navigation software, as well as “deep knowledge of Computational Geometry or Graph Theory.” Candidates are required to have at least 3 years’ experience of developing “high quality, robust software systems.”

In typical Apple fashion, they describe the work this way:

“We want to do this in a seamless, highly interactive and enjoyable way,” that job listing read. “We’ve only just started.”

Apple navigation seems like a natural progression for their hosted web services.  I doubt Apple will ever do their own search as there really isn’t any way to improve on Google (Bing is trying, but really who wants to Bing anything?).  Navigation though is a space that I’m sure Apple thinks they can do some really amazing stuff.  Navigation devices are clunky and difficult to use.  A little of the Apple design magic might lift all boats (and by all boats I mean only Apple and Google).

Well this isn’t likely, but still….

Olympic Park Survey Map

Olympic Park Ordnance Survey Map

Olympic Park Ordnance Survey Map
Olympic Park Ordnance Survey Map Progress

“Hopefully it will give you a taster of the development that has taken place on the site since 2001 and the contribution that Civil Engineers have made.”

Full PDF available at