DeGeneres on Trust and Confidence


“Never follow someone else’s path… unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.”

–Ellen DeGeneres (1958 – )
American comedian and actor

Do your people (customers, prospects, team, colleagues) know they’re important to you? Always? Sometimes? Rarely?

Remember… It’s your occasional words and continual actions that’ll help them know best.

To be sure it’s a closer to always thing, consider implementing a personal appreciation audit each month or quarter for your most important people – remembering that actions speak louder than words (but words are important too).

Lewis on The Influential

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”

–C.S. Lewis (1898–1963)

Irish writer, scholar

Who’s in your circle? Are they a good influence on you? Are you a good influence on them?

3 years from now, when your colleagues/ team are talking with someone (at your company or somewhere else), will you be one of the people they describe as positively influential to their growth and career?

It’s your sales life. Choose your people and impact wisely.

Ash on Loving Your People

“Pretend that every single person
you meet has a sign around his or
her neck that says, ‘Make me
feel important.’

–Mary Kay Ash (1918–2001)
American businesswoman

Email this quote

Sales care…

Do your people (customers, prospects, team, colleagues) know they’re important to you? Always? Sometimes? Rarely?

Remember… It’s your occasional words and continual actions that’ll help them know best.

To be sure it’s a closer to always thing, consider implementing a personal appreciation audit each month or quarter for your most important people – remembering that actions speak louder than words (but words are important too).


Our latest Love Your People and Cross The Line booklets are a fresh way to say ‘Thank You’. You can sign the inside “Thanks for loving your people, Bob.” or “Nancy, Thanks for crossing the line”. Unless of course, their name is Fred or Mary or Joe or Stella (Are there anymore Stellas in the world?)

Pick up: Love Your People