Curie on Loving the Challenge


“I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.”

–Marie Curie (1867–1934)

Polish-born French physicist and chemist

two-time Nobel Prize winner

Embrace the objections of your prospects and customers.

Right now and over the next several weeks, position in your mind the regular objections you hear as not only an inevitable step to bringing in more business, but also a positive step. Objections confirm a level of need or desire for your product or service and help you better determine the next steps you should take in a sales process. For the prospect, it’s your responses to the objections that help validate or support their buying decision.

This is the reason the responses to your top objections (those you and your team hear most often) must be planned and prepared with a professional’s level of attention.

The keys… Appreciate. Validate. Be direct.


Fuller on Be No Ego

Dare to be naive.”

–R. Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983)
American inventor & futurist


Being naive at certain points in the sales process can help you…

  • Minimize false assumptions about your prospects
  • Learn more about your prospect’s true needs & wants
  • Learn more about the sales environment (competition, decision makers, influencers, etc.)

When it comes to your product and industry knowledge, be strong.


Pickford on Fresh Starts

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

–Mary Pickford (1892–1979)

Canadian actress

Co-founder of United Artists

What are the most common “drag you down, get in the way of success” thoughts?

  • Defeatist (accepting, expecting, or being resigned to defeat)
  • Cynical (contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives)
  • Vindictive (seeking revenge)
  • Blame/ Fault (who cares? what are we going to do now?)
  • Wishful (do what you can to influence the deal and keep moving)
  • Self-pity (get over yourself… complain less… especially to yourself)

Get the complete list (5 more) and a printable reminder.

(Some definitions provided by Merriam-Webster. Most popular thoughts provided by your JustSell team. They’re not our thoughts, you understand. We have friends with these thoughts.)