Yes, Geoportal Server has been available on SourceForge since late October. Licensing, source code, proper credit to 3rd party components, etc are all in place. We migrated most of the Geoportal Extension documentation from the Esri Resource Center to the new Geoportal Server wiki.
Just before Xmas, we added the OpenLS connector for ArcGIS Server to the project! This is an update of an old connector that was available for ArcIMS several years ago. Configure it with ArcGIS Server services and provide an interface following the OGC specification of Open Location Service Implementation Standard. We’re running a test instance that uses some ArcGIS Onlineservices.
So now we’re getting our plans together for 2011. Looking at:
- Complete wiki documentation
- GeoSPARQL interface
- Enhanced metadata editor
- Sitemap synchronizer
- WMTS client (JS API, Flex, Silverlight)
- 0-configuration database support
- Enhance OpenID/Oauth use
- ebRIM, Feature Data Dictionary, Feature Catalog support
- Upgrades to new underlying API (JS, Flex, Silverlight)
Some of these are just ongoing maintenance, ideas we’ve had for a while, or things already in the works (like the enhanced metadata editing). Others (like the GeoSPARQL interface) will take a while to develop and fully use. I’ll put a brief description of these items onthe feature list and would be curious to your responses or other features you would want to see in the Geoportal Server.