Einstein on Gomos and D-grunts


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition
from mediocre minds.”

–Albert Einstein (1879–1955)
Swiss physicist

ego: noun: 1. the self 2. an inflated sense of self-significance

Imagine a world without ego. No…

  • Toes to step on
  • Feelings to hurt
  • Fair shares to grab
  • Territory to defend
  • Fault to allocate
  • Back to watch
  • Last words to get
  • Ideas to hold back
  • Embarrassment to bear
  • Battles to win
  • Knowledge to prove
  • Entitlement to have
  • Encouragement to withhold
  • Credit to seek
  • Grudges to hold
  • Jealousy to feel
  • Revenge to take
  • Hidden meanings to construe

Speak no ego. Be no ego.


Yoda on Commitment


Do or do not, there is no try.”

Jedi master
from the Star Wars film series


We don’t test things. We do things.

Testing something carries a subtle implication that we’re not going to be accountable to our results – a kind of caveat to any potential failure suggesting that it’s okay if our efforts don’t produce positive results because “it’s just a test.”



Parker on Your Mission

“We’re here to make good things happen for other people. Do that… and you’ll make good things happen for yourself.”

–Sam Parker (1965 – )

Co-founder of JustSell

Sales reflection…

Think about your work (contribution).

Whether you feel lucky or not with what you’ve been given (or earned) as your opportunity to work, you’re ultimately just a steward of it for a relatively brief period in time.

It will be handed off to someone else at some point.

If you thought of that work as being put in a box to be given to someone else, what would you want the recipient to think when they opened it up?

Wouldn’t you want it to be something that’s difficult to improve on?

Wouldn’t you want them to crack open that box… look in… smile… and say… “Wow. That’s great work.”

Open Box

No Gomos. No D-grunts.

Be Two-twelve