“What more could you ask for
in life than to be given an
impossible challenge?”
–Cory Booker (1969 – )
American mayor of Newark, NJ
Sales encouragement…
complainless: (adj.) 1. to be free of complaints 2. a pleasure to be around
Your words move others. Your words move you.
Let yours send everyone in the right direction.
Here’s how to be “ComplainLess”…
- Be aware. Recognize your typical paths to complaining – what (who) sparks your tendency to gripe. Minimize your exposure to them (eliminating those ‘sparks’ altogether may not always be realistic or the best thing). Know that your grumbling is a complete waste of energy.
- Be thankful. Regularly reflect on all the good in your life (people, opportunities, things). Understand and enjoy how lucky you really are. Be entitled to nothing.
- Pause before you begin. Clip a complaint as you feel it coming. Put a smile or thoughtful statement in its path. Blame no one. Blame nothing.
- Be accountable. Focus on solving problems rather than having them (especially with prospects and customers). Set the example for others and recommit when you slip. Care for yourself and create a positive habit.
Simple. More enjoyable for everyone. SalesTough.
Spread the message with the ComplainLess pocket cards or forward this email to someone with a “Let’s commit to being ComplainLess together.”