Leonardo on Avoiding Mediocrity


Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor
of the mind.”

– Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

Italian painter, sculptor, and inventor

How are you kicking off your salesday?

Are you preparing your mind with solid thought, information, and support? Are you allowing the right radio or TV personalities to get you ready? The right news or material? The right people
at the office?

Be careful to what you give your attention. It all has an influence on you.

Theophrastus on Cash


Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”

– Theophrastus (372 BC – 287 BC)

Greek philosopher

If you’re not earning the income you’d like to earn, ask yourself…

“Am I working like someone who makes $X thousand a year… someone who makes roughly $Y every money hour* of the day?”

Are you valuing your time at that level? If not, who will?

  • $50,000 = $25 every money hour
  • $75,000 = $37 every money hour
  • $100,000 = $50 every money hour (almost $1 a minute)
  • $120,000 = $60 every money hour ($1 a minute)
  • $150,000 = $75 every money hour
  • $200,000 = $100 every money hour
  • $250,000 = $125 every money hour (more than $2 a minute)

Shakespeare on The Mind Game


“Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt.”

–William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

English writer

There’s nothing more powerful to the salesday than enthusiasm (except maybe an incredible amount of overnight sales that you didn’t expect). It excites everyone to positive action…

  • you
  • your team
  • your prospect
  • the new customer you just brought on board
  • the internal department responsible for the delivery of what you just sold
  • the receptionist who talks with your prospects and customers first

As you work with your people today (and tomorrow) your level of enthusiasm will impact all of them (one way or the other). What do you want your impact to be?