Newton on Patient Attention


“If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention than to any
other talent.”

– Isaac Newton (1643–1727)
English mathematician and physicist

Beginning at the top of the next hour and through the next 48, challenge yourself (and your team)…

When you begin a discussion with a customer, prospect, or colleague (or family member), give that individual your complete attention until the issue at hand has been fully addressed.

Every single discussion. Every single interaction. The entire 48-hour period.

Don’t let a phone call interrupt an in-person conversation. Don’t let your email distract you from a phone call. Don’t let a passerby, instant messenger, berry, or iThing take your attention away from someone standing right in front of you (or on the phone).

Remember… Sales is an interpersonal profession (and you’re a grown-up).

Ash on The Important People


“Pretend that every single person
you meet has a sign around his or
her neck that says, ‘Make me
feel important.’

– Mary Kay Ash (1918–2001)
American businesswoman

Beginning at the top of the next hour and through the next 48, challenge yourself (and your team)…

When you begin a discussion with a customer, prospect, or colleague, give that individual your complete attention until the issue at hand has been fully addressed.

Every single discussion. Every single interaction. The entire 48-hour period.

Don’t let a phone call interrupt an in-person conversation. Don’t let your email distract you from a phone call. Don’t let a passerby, instant messenger, ithing, droid, or berry take your attention away from someone standing right in front of you (or on the phone).

Remember… Sales is an interpersonal profession (and you’re a grown-up).

Marivaux on Too Kind


“In this world, you must be a bit too kind in order to be kind enough.”

– Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux (1688–1763)
French writer

Do your people (customers, prospects, team, colleagues) know they’re important to you? Always? Sometimes? Rarely?

Remember… It’s your occasional words and continual actions that’ll help them know best.

To be sure it’s a closer to always thing, consider implementing a personal appreciation audit each month or quarter for your most important people – remembering that actions speak louder than words (but words are important too).