Burning Man 2010 in Google Earth

We covered some neat things with Burning Man (a very popular annual event that is “an experiment in community, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance”) back in 2006 and 2007, and they’ve done some more cool stuff this year.

GEB reader Jeff has shared an image that was captured by GeoEye a few days ago that shows many of the participants forming a giant peace sign around the “man” in the center of the city. Here’s the pic:


In addition, GeoEye has already published a fresh image to their “Featured Imagery” layer in Google Earth. You can find the layer titled “GeoEye featured Imagery” under the “More” section of your layers. Fly to this KML and turn the layer on, and you’ll see something like this:


There will likely be other imagery coming in over the next few days. If you come across anything noteworthy, share your finds in the comments below.

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