Facebook holds a quarter of all Web page views in the U.S.

The monitoring company Hitwise reported that the popularity of social networking site, Facebook continues to grow.For example, by the end of last week on Facebook account 25% of all registered openings of websites made by members of the United States. A year earlier the figure for the same period was 16.7%.

Researchers say that for one year only traffic to Facebook increased by 60% and one in ten Internet users in the U.S. by browsing the network resources used on Facebook. In comparison, for Google this indicator is 7%.

Currently the number of visits to Facebook is almost four times larger than that of YouTube, which ranks second in the standings, and 5 times the number of visits to the rest of the projects at Google. According to data from Hitwise, Facebook has been a leader and more time spent on consumer sites.Throughout September, consumers spend on Facebook a total of approximately 41.1 million minutes, against 39.8 million minutes on Google. Speaking of Google, Hitwise notes that the main generator of traffic for popular search engine projects remain Gmail and YouTube.

The report by Hitwise says that Facebook began an increasing threat to Google, as Facebook Connect system and social plugins on Facebook are increasingly used and consumers are increasingly replaced by those previously used projects at Google.

With forecasts of the company, Facebook will become even greater threat to Google, when launching large-scale programs to advertisers and special offerings for SMBs.

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