Australian Demographics on Google Maps


NuMap is a Google Maps based application to view and analyse demographic data for any Australian Federal Government Electorate.

Using the map it is possible to view a large number of demographic datasets for any Federal electorate. To start exploring the data you first need to choose an electorate from the myElectorate Panel. Once you have selected an electorate it will be highlighted on the map. You can then open the DemographicDrapes Panel and select the demographic data that you wish to view.

You can use the DemographicDrapes panel to analyse different aspects of your chosen electorate. The datasets include gender, housing, income, birthplace and many more.


Dublin Journey Planner on Google Maps

Hit the Road

Hit the Road is a route planner for Dublin that shows you how to get between any two points in the city by bus, Luas and DART routes.

It is possible to find a route by either dropping map markers on the map to show your start and finish points or by entering addresses in the search boxes. Possible routes are then displayed on the map and the steps on the journey are displayed in the map side panel.

Alternative routes are indicated by numbered icons in the side panel. If you roll over one of these icons the alternate route is automatically displayed on the map. All the suggested routes tell you which number buses to take and give the estimated journey time.


Social Planning with Google Maps


This iPhone application is a social scheduling, planning, calendar tool that uses Google Maps to sync location with your calendar. Plannr is essentially a calendar tool that allows you to share and make plans with your friends.

Using Plannr you can coordinate your plans with your friends using a calendar, email, SMS and Google Maps. if you are planning a night out with friends you can use Plannr to organise your schedule and keep your friends updated with your plans and location.

The iPhone application is free and you can also access the service via the desktop. To subscribe to the service you can sign in with your Facebook account.
