Marivaux on Too Kind


“In this world, you must be a bit too kind in order to be kind enough.”

– Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux (1688–1763)
French writer

Do your people (customers, prospects, team, colleagues) know they’re important to you? Always? Sometimes? Rarely?

Remember… It’s your occasional words and continual actions that’ll help them know best.

To be sure it’s a closer to always thing, consider implementing a personal appreciation audit each month or quarter for your most important people – remembering that actions speak louder than words (but words are important too).

Francis de Sales on Growing


“Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew.

–St. Francis de Sales (1567–1622)
French bishop

Part of the problem is the eggshells.

We’ve laid them out around ourselves and become worried about stepping on those that others have laid around themselves.

Some of us (all of us at one time or another) have forgotten our interdependence and obligation to other people. We’ve put ourselves (our comfort, our hearts, our minds) at the center of our universe (our universe?).

I want to encourage you to Love Your People.

Who are your people? Everyone who’s important to you… your family… your friends… your colleagues… your customers, patients, team, students. These are your people (and you’re theirs).

And love? It’s care.

And care? It’s attention and contribution (what you give, what you do)…
