Coppola on Keeping On

“My talent is that I just try and try and try and try again and little by little it comes to something…”

–Francis Ford Coppola (1939 – )
American film director, writer, and entrepreneur

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Sales resilience…

resilience: noun: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change (from Merriam-Webster)

We all fail from time-to-time (our doing, someone else’s doing, something else’s doing, a combination of each). It’s life.

To be resilient…

  1. Focus on results. Embrace the fact that results are what we’re all really after. Effort and attempts are great first steps, but we need to act with commitment to delivering (just like we want people to do for us).
  2. Make lessons of failures. Minimize the tendency to make a failure or mistake anything more than a lesson on how not to do something. We need to learn from our mistakes and truly accept them as tuition for succeeding later. And yes… Our mistakes might put us in a bind at times and have some uncomfortable consequences but again, that’s real life.
  3. Continue on. Smarter.
  4. Reinforce. Support each other (and ourselves) by continually reminding and encouraging one another to deliver on the first three points.

That’s it. Let’s practice it more.

TBIF (too bad it’s Friday: the last salesday of the week)

Encourage resilience and email this reminder to someone (or get the resilience pocket card).


Embrace and understand the 8 objections. (from JustSell)

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