Leonardo on Pushing Through


“Obstacles cannot bend me.
Every obstacle yields to effort.

– Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
Italian painter, sculptor, and inventor

complainless: (adj.) 1. to be free of complaints 2. a pleasure to be around

Your words move others. Your words move you.

Let yours send everyone in the right direction.

Here’s how to be “ComplainLess”…

  • Be aware. Recognize your typical paths to complaining – what (who) sparks your tendency to gripe. Minimize your exposure to them (eliminating those ‘sparks’ altogether may not always be realistic or the best thing). Know that your grumbling is a complete waste of energy.
  • Be thankful. Regularly reflect on all the good in your life (people, opportunities, things). Understand and enjoy how lucky you really are. Be entitled to nothing.
  • Pause before you begin. Clip a complaint as you feel it coming. Put a smile or thoughtful statement in its path. Blame no one. Blame nothing.
  • Be accountable. Focus on solving problems rather than having them (especially with prospects and customers). Set the example for others and recommit when you slip. Care for yourself and create a positive habit.

Simple. More enjoyable for everyone.

Leonardo on Staying Alive

Iron rusts from disuse;
stagnant water loses its purity
and in cold weather becomes
frozen; even so does inaction
sap the vigor of the mind.”

–Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

Italian painter, buy sculptor, troche and inventor

How are you kicking off your salesday?

Are you preparing your mind with solid thought, cheap information, and support? Are you allowing the right radio or TV personalities to get you ready (are any of them good… share one)? The right news or material? The right people at the office?

Be careful to what you give your attention. It all has an influence on you. (And kicking it is much more fun than mediocrity… or worse.)