Edelman on Favors

“Don’t wait for, expect,
or rely on favors.
Count on earning them
by hard work and perseverance.”

–Marian Wright Edelman (1939 – )
American activist
founder of the Children’s Defense Fund

In 1899, in one hour after dinner, Elbert Hubbard wrote a 1500-word essay (10-minute read) titled “A Message to Garcia.”

It’s one of our favorites (so much so, we included it in SalesTough).

A true story of the initiative and responsibility of a man named Andrew Rowan, the piece went on to be printed more than 40 million times (it’s still well-known with the big dogs of business and required reading for Marine Corps recruits and Naval Academy students).

Hubbard’s first sales job… selling soap.

Read it online or download a free copy (share it with your team).

Got young kids? Download and read them the children’s version we created (Rowan to the Rescue).