Тръгва нов мобилен оператор

Нов оператор на мобилни услуги, кабелна телевизия и интернет тръгва у нас. Обединението стана факт вчера. То се нарича “Български телеком и телевизия” АД и включва Нетуоркс България, Диджитал Комуникейшънс, Еском, Икон, Телнет, С.Т.В., Балчик нет, Оптинет и Диана Кабел ТВ, Пауърнет и Бол БГ Изток. Новият телеком ще предоставя услуги на над 150 000 абонати и ще притежава покритие на близо милион домакинства в страната. Компанията ще бъде алтернатива на съществуващите оператори в над 40 града и 110 населени места.

Новото дружество ще развива собствен бранд и ще работи за пускането на нови услуги, между които мобилна телефония и мобилен интернет (GSM, 4G, WiFi). За мобилните услуги БТТ има потенциален инвеститор за изграждане на собствена мрежа в България. Обсъжда се с някои от мобилните оператори и възможността за изграждане на Виртуален мобилен оператор (MVNO) върху тяхната мрежа. Това каза за “Стандарт” Димитър Хинков, изпълнителен директор на БТТ и шеф на “Пауърнет”. Новите услуги ще стартират в най-кратки срокове, допълни той. Новият оператор присъства в градовете София, Велико Търново, Горна Оряховица, Свищов, Русе, Шумен, Балчик, Бургас, Ямбол, Хасково, Първомай, Димитровград, Кърджали, Асеновград, Смолян. Основна цел на компанията е да направи пълно национално покритие, като води преговори с други доставчици да се присъединят към БТТ, каза още Хинков.

Toronto Video Guide on Google Maps

My City Lives

Here is your personal video guide to the city of Toronto. My City Lives is a platform that allows people in Toronto to share their experiences of the city’s public spaces and organizations by posting videos to a Google Map.

The submitted videos are represented on the map by thumbnail images of the videos. To watch a video you just have to click its thumbnail.

It is possible to refine the videos shown on the map by ‘Most Viewed’, ‘Food’, ‘Coffee’, ‘Date Ideas’, ‘Missed in Connection’ and ‘Nuit Blanche’. It is also possible to refine the results by a custom search.

Hewlett-Packard & Palm Pre 2

Hewlett-Packard Company announced that it began sales of smartphones Palm Pre 2 in the U.S.. The version of the device without linking to a mobile operator and without a contract will cost 449 dollars.Moreover, programmers involved in developing the operating system WebOS, based on which operating smartphone, and those who received coupons for a discount worth $ 200, can use them in the purchase of apparatus.

The company said that the U.S. smartphone can be purchased online or through Palm.com, or through traditional distribution channels for the HP SMB. Furthermore, in parallel with the release of the apparatus in the U.S. and will start its sales in France. In the coming days Pre 2 will be commissioned and territory of Canada.Sales Pre2 will take place in traditional Western consumers scheme – a contract to service provider.

We note that Pre 2 is the first product of Palm, which was released after released after the company was acquired by the computer manufacturer Hewlett-Packard.After purchasing HP announced that it plans to use the system WebOS, not just smartphones, but also for other devices, in particular related to Internet printers, tablets and others.

Jon Rubinstein, senior vice president and general manager of HP Palm Global Business Unit, says that in the first version of the WebOS and smartphone Pre, which occurred before 16 months, there are many new opportunities with the organization of additional programs, maintenance of Flash Player 10.1, supporting new multimedia data formats, etc.Important to note the emergence of many so-called. “Little helpers” – programs and system tricks – unnoticed at first glance, but it makes system operation comfortable and enjoyable.

These little helpers can be allocated:new instrument Just Type, which allows you to write text for an application without running the application itself, the new grouping system which allows applications to be grouped by sense and logic in predefined groups; elaboration mechanism for multi-tasking;Tool Exhibition, which allows users to specify which applications loaded most system and many other new developments.

In addition, the new smartphone Pre received new CPU whose frequency is increased to 1 GHz (in the former it was 600 MHz).The camera remains in the new smartphone 5-megapixel, but it increased display quality, which makes colors more vivid, and applications – in detail.

A few days before the release of Pre 2 John Rubinstein said in a statement on Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco that the new device will be a “more than a Web 2.0 “is to it much closer to social, postal and communication services operating on the Internet.