S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Небо видело все – Stalker Film part 3

“Небо видело все” – короткометражной фильм часть Третая. 21 мая состоялся релиз в Царскосельском доме молодежи, а уже сегодня мы рады сообщить о интернет-премьере. Хотим выразить благодарность всей команде за отличную работу! Приятного просмотра!

Режиссер: Константин Шелепов Продюсер: Пётр Желтухин Сценарий: Константин Шелепов, Карина Гимазова Операторы: Константин Шелепов, Александр Смирнов Фотограф: Александр Смирнов В ролях: Вячеслав Тихонович Гроздов, Александр Филиппов, Мария Зайцева, Петр Желтухин, Юрий Клементьев, Глеб Драчёв, Игорь Шелепов, Александр Смирнов, Дмитрий Кривошеенко, Виталий Логинов, Евгений Лучинскас, Константин Сироткин и другие..

The new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. movie is already here!
This is part 3 of 3.
Enjoy it!

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Небо видело все – Stalker Film part 1

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Небо видело все – Stalker Film part 2


Garmin Super Bowl Commercial 2007

Garmin Super Bowl Commercial. Aired Sunday February 4th, 2007 during Super Bowl XLI


Session videos from Google I/O now live

With Google I/O 2011 just two days behind us, we wanted to thank the nearly one million developers who joined us at Moscone Center, attended I/O Extended events, and watched online via I/O Live from 161 countries around the world. In addition to the announcements made at the keynote presentations, we had more than 30 announcements in our 110 sessions. HD recordings of all these sessions are now available online. Here are some of the announcements:

Highlights from this year’s event are posted at www.google.com/io, where we are featuring photos, announcements, and the latest videos. Also, stay tuned for a feature on “Backstage at Google I/O” where we will highlight the developers and artists who helped to make the event possible this year.

Google I/O kicks off the year as our biggest developer event–but we’re only getting started. As of today, we are announcing locations for our eight Google Developer Days (GDDs), which will take place all over the world with more than a few DevFests in between. Stay tuned for more info on the 2011 event details, but we’ll look forward to seeing you in Brazil, Argentina, Prague, Moscow, Tokyo, Sydney, Israel and Germany for our Google Developer Team world tour.