Lewis on The Influential

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.”

–C.S. Lewis (1898–1963)

Irish writer, scholar

Who’s in your circle? Are they a good influence on you? Are you a good influence on them?

3 years from now, when your colleagues/ team are talking with someone (at your company or somewhere else), will you be one of the people they describe as positively influential to their growth and career?

It’s your sales life. Choose your people and impact wisely.

Schweitzer on Rolling Stones

“Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few more upon it.”

–Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965)
German medical missionary
Nobel Peace Prize winner

A simple challenge where everyone wins (you and those around you). No risk. No additional time required.

Within the next three weeks, set a 2-day period as your days (or your team’s days) to inspire others. Two days where you’ll put on blinders to anything negative and be the one in the office who everyone else can count on for words and actions that inspire and encourage. Two days where you’re the light for other people – your colleagues, your prospects, your customers – no matter what.

Allow nothing negative and focus only on your service to others.

Once you set your two days, fully commit to the effort regardless of the inevitable challenges, regardless of the weather (please, never the weather). Fall off the inspirational horse at 2:11 on the first day? Get back on at 2:12 – no excuses.

Remember, you wake with an option for your daily attitude. Challenges will come up regardless.

Choose positive. Spread it for two days.

Mother Teresa on The Key to Success

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”

–Mother Teresa (1910–1997)

Albanian missionary
Nobel Peace Prize winner

Sales evaluation…

Do your actions…

  1. create a positive buzz about you and your work?
  2. make others want you as a part of their team?
  3. make your employer cringe at the thought of losing you to a competitor?
  4. make your customers excited about referring you to their colleagues?

You want your actions to scream value without the need for you to say a word. This is where you want to be – with those in your company and industry – and with those to whom you’re selling.

This is what creates true economic and job security – the value you and your team create for others.

This is care (what it’s all about).

When you have the opportunity over the next few days, set a reminder to review these four questions at the end of each month. Then, give yourself a little (objective) attention by reviewing them and creating an action plan to improve in each area where you feel you should.

Easier said than done… still needs to be done.

Dig deeper and learn the 6 fundamentals of sales value (SalesTough #8).
