Gibran on The Bright Side


“The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious of the rose.”

– Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931)

Lebanese writer and philosopher

A simple challenge where everyone wins (you and those around you). No risk. No additional time required.

Within the next 3 weeks (or maybe the next 3 minutes), set a 2-day period as your days (or your team’s days) to inspire others. Two days where you’ll put on blinders to anything negative and be the one in the office who everyone else can count on for words and actions that inspire and encourage. Two days where you’re the light for other people – your colleagues, your prospects, your customers – no matter what.

Allow nothing negative and focus only on your service to others.

Once you set your 2 days, fully commit to the effort regardless of the inevitable challenges, regardless of the weather (please, never the weather). Fall off the inspirational horse at 2:11 on the first day? Get back on at 2:12 – no excuses.

Remember, you wake with an option for your daily attitude. Challenges will come up regardless.

Frankl on Making The Choice


“The last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

– Viktor Frankl (1905–1997)
Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist

A simple challenge where everyone wins (you and those around you). No risk. No additional time required.

Within the next 3 weeks (or maybe the next 3 minutes), set a 2-day period as your days (or your team’s days) to inspire others. Two days where you’ll put on blinders to anything negative and be the one in the office who everyone else can count on for words and actions that inspire and encourage. Two days where you’re the light for other people – your colleagues, your prospects, your customers – no matter what.

Allow nothing negative and focus only on your service to others.


Jung on Who You Are


“Everything that irritates us
about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

– Carl Jung (1875–1961)

Swiss psychiatrist

Thou shall not interrupt or talk over a prospect or customer.

Have you ever considered how ridiculous it is to do this?

Why does it happen? It could be the excitement of how well your offering meets their need, poor listening training, ego (Let me show you what I know instead of learning what you need!), or just plain rudeness.

Here’s an idea…

When you and your team are talking with your prospects and customers, be sure to drop a small gap of silence in between what they say… and your response – just an extra second or so.

Do it when you’re asking your questions about their challenges and needs and in general conversation. Not only will it improve your rapport, but in many cases, you’ll also enjoy the extra information you learn when the other person continues to talk.

This is thoughtful listening and one of the surest ways to make a better connection with your prospects and customers.

Practice it with your team in your daily discussions. Practice it with your friends and family in your personal discussions.

In your sales efforts, make it your habit.

You’ll be amazed at what you learn.