Bing Maps venue maps now feature nine largest US malls

Last December we introduced detailed shopping mall maps. Since then, we’ve been adding more mall maps every week. In fact as of this post we’ve finished more than 148 malls in more than 20 states — including the nine largest enclosed malls by square feet in the US.*  These are:

*As listed by the International Council of Shopping Centers
For most of our mall maps, you can see parking, ATMs, entrances, as well as many other mall services. Additionally, when searching on Bing Maps for a certain mall or store within that mall, you will be shown a “mall map” link in the search results contact card.

Want to find out if your favorite mall is covered? Just go to, type in its name, and click on Mall Map in the listing if it appears.
As always, we’d like to know what you think. Please comment below on what you like and don’t like about venue maps. Are there other malls you’d like covered? How about other venues? How can we make the maps even more helpful?