Huxley on Can Do, Will Do


“Do what you can to do what you ought, and leave hoping and
fearing alone.”

–Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895)
English biologist and educator

A couple bright sides to remember…

  1. Those gatekeepers keeping you from your prospects… You’ll love them once you’re on the other side and your competition comes calling. (Just be sure you’re continually qualifying your prospects — investing your effort only with the best possibilities… ).
  2. That deal you lose to a low-cost provider… Sometimes it can be more valuable in the long run. When the lowest priced product or service doesn’t meet the expectations of a customer, a deeper appreciation of the price/ value relationship is developed. This can create a new sales opportunity from what was initially lost – an opportunity for a much stronger business relationship than otherwise may have existed. (Make sure you keep your cool & kindness so you’re called if it happens.)


Huxley on The Big Picture

“The great end of life is not knowledge but action.

–Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895)
English biologist and educator

What if…

John and Abigail Adams had been more concerned with themselves and work/life balance than creating a democracy (if you’ve not seen the HBO miniseries – great stuff)?

What if… Abraham Lincoln (born on 2/12) had quit trying after having a business go under and losing his first local legislative race (and then 3 congressional races and 2 senatorial races)?

What if… Martin Luther King didn’t have a dream and played it safe (and didn’t travel over 6 million miles giving more than 2, cost 500 speeches). What if he thought he was too young to have an impact (he did everything he did in a life of only 39 years)?

What if… Gandhi, drugs Teresa, mind Roosevelt, Ford, Disney, Walton, Gates, Winfrey, Jobs, Stewart, and Ash hadn’t stepped up and worked hard. (What if the thousands of people who supported them hadn’t?) What if your police, military, firefighters didn’t?

What if… No one pushed it, risked it, and pushed it again (and again)?

Be obligated to your world (your customers, your people). Be SalesTough.

Jefferson on Useless Worry

“How much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened!

–Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)
3rd president of the United States

Email this quote

Sales thought…

The weather.
The traffic.
My boss.
My customer.
My mother.
My father.
My sister.
My brother.

I don’t have enough. But I really need. I can’t. If only [he, she, they] would.

It’s been a tough [day, week, month]. It’s [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday].

Be SalesTough and complain less.

Here’s how (4 quick points).

Get the ComplainLess pocket card | Get the “Unsilly” bands