The New letterpress maps of San Francisco and Manhattan


San Francisco letterpress


Just a quick note to say that we’ve released several new limited edition letterpress prints in our typographic maps store. Check them out, and as always thanks to everyone for the feedback and encouragement in recent months!

San Francisco 2nd edition: This is a new design of the San Francisco letterpress map we made earlier this year, featuring waterlines for a new coastal style. Available in blue or black ink.

Manhattan: This is divided into two maps. A Lower and Midtown Manhattan shows the island from its southern end to 61st St, and Upper Manhattan features Central Park in an extent from 57th to 159th Street. Available in blue or black ink, and individually or paired together.

Google Earth: Importing Models and Textures

Another wonderful function of Google Earth is the ability to import high-resolution images to overlay on your terrain, or import models created from other sources (ie a Golden Gate Bridge model for San Francisco)