Local Reviews on Google Maps


This Google Map based local search engine displays information from third party services such as Yelp, Gowalla, Yellowpages, Mapquest and Foursquare.

Using the map it is possible to search for local businesses, for example, pizza in San Francisco. When you undertake a search you can choose what type of business you wish to find and which third party service you wish to see results from. The results are then displayed on the map.

If you click on any of the returned map markers you can click through to read the information, tips and reviews provided by the chosen service. For example, if you select Foursquare you can click through to read the tips provided by Foursquare users.

If you live in Ottawa you can also use the ‘Places’ drop-down menu to view many local services, such as police stations, schools, sports venues and municipal buildings.

New Orleans Cycling on Google Maps

NolaCycle Data Entry Map

This Google Map displays data collected and digitized by volunteers for the NolaCycle Bike Map Project in New Orleans.

The map shows useful information for cyclists about the streets of New Orleans. Roads on the map are colored to indicate road quality, road width and traffic speed. Using the map cyclists can tell at a glance which roads are better for cyclists and which roads are probably best avoided.

I think there are plans to use the collected data to create a map of recommended routes. The data could also be used to create a trip planner with cycling directions avoiding the red roads on the map.