Leonardo on Avoiding Mediocrity


Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor
of the mind.”

– Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

Italian painter, sculptor, and inventor

How are you kicking off your salesday?

Are you preparing your mind with solid thought, information, and support? Are you allowing the right radio or TV personalities to get you ready? The right news or material? The right people
at the office?

Be careful to what you give your attention. It all has an influence on you.

Travel as a Roman

Stanford University have created a “Geospatial network model of the Roman world”
Impressive Interactive Map that can calculate  travel times and cost (in Denarius)
ORBIS, can calculate journey times between 751 locations in the Roman world. The site draws data from The BarringtonAtlas of the Greek and Roman World which has  been georeferenced by Cambridge University Students. To calculate voyages on water, the site uses maps of rivers. Sea journeys are also possible, with routes calculated from the Romans’ preferred sea routes. Dijkstra’s pathfinding algorithmis applied to calculate routes.
The Mapping tool also calculates route dependent on the month for a journey, as weather conditions at sea and on land had a major impact on ancient travel times.
Users can choose from a menu of transport/travel options:
  • Foot/army/pack animal, mule cart/camel caravan
  • Military March (Rapid)
  • Ox & cart
  • Fully loaded mule
  • Horseback rider (routine travel)
  • Private travel (routine, vehicular)
  • Private travel (accelerated, vehicular/horseback)
  • Fast carriage
Try the Roman Travel Interactive Map:
Information on the Geospatial Technology used is see the section tabs:
Building ORBIS: Multi-modal network model via the Building ORBIS tab and selecting the Geospatial Technology Tab.