The Fusion Table data on mobile devices

We’ve talked a bit about Google’s Fusion Tables product before — a great way to turn a table full of data (such as an Excel spreadsheet) into a fully functional map!

The maps can easily be shared through a Google Maps interface or even in Google Earth, but the mobile support for Fusion Table projects has been pretty weak. That’s where the folks from Build-A-Map have stepped in, with a new product called My Fusion Tables.


My Fusion Tables a mobile application that allows you to browse, view, and map data from Google Fusion Tables on both mobile phones and tablets. You can find it in the iOS App Store or on Google Play.

The great new model of Saint Basil’s Cathedral

We’ve shown you work from 3D modeler ‘PeterG’ quite a few times here on Google Earth Blog. He built one of the first great 3D interiors that we saw, some nice 3D tours of Mount Urgull, and quite a few other models.

His latest work is the remodeling of Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square, Moscow, Russia. It’s a stunning model that you need to see to believe.


To go check it out for yourself, you can fly there by using this KML file. Be sure to have the [3D Buildings] layer turned on to view the building.

Curie on Easy Living


“Life is not easy for any of us.
But what of that?
We must have perseverance.

– Marie Curie (1867–1934)
French physicist and chemist
two-time Nobel Prize winner

Remember… We are The Economy.

Recovery depends on the work we do today… regardless of difficulty, regardless of political belief, regardless of what the media says. It’s our work (your work) that will get us there.

The US Navy SEALS have a creed they live by in their work. A few of my favorite lines are…

  • The lives of my teammates and the success of the mission depend on me… (individual accountability)
  • If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.
  • In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. (purpose)
  • By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day.

What if we all had a Trident for our work – something that says we truly accept the responsibility for our chosen profession – and we did it?

You up for it?