Google Places: Updated Bulk Upload Tool

Google Places has rolled out a new Google Places Bulk Upload Tool. Here are two videos, the first is for already bulk upload verified users explaining differences from the current tool and the second is a tutorial for new users explaining the tool in detail:

When you log into the upload feature inside of the Dashboard there will be a 9 page tutorial about the new features however it is not yet working:

Bing Maps: BlackBerry PlayBook – How To Demo (Official Demo Video)

(Official BlackBerry® PlayBook™ Demo) Learn how Bing Maps on your BlackBerry PlayBook can find your location, give you directions and more! To view more BlackBerry PlayBook demo videos, visit:

Introduction to ArcMap 10

This tutorial will familiarize ArcMap beginners how to use ArcMap 10. Topics include opening projects, the organization of the data view, adding data to the project, using tools and toolbars, and saving projects in different ArcMap version formats.