Google Earth: The 10 most expensive hotel rooms on earth

A few weeks ago, we showed you a cool new tool that allows you to preview your hotel room using Google Earth. If you have a lot of money to spend on your hotel visit, then today’s list could be quite helpful.

Google Sightseeing recently showed off the “Top 10 Most Expensive Hotel Rooms 2011“, and we thought we’d track those locations down in Google Earth for you.

10 The Bridge Suite, The Atlantis, Bahamas — $22,000/night
View: Maps | 10-KML


9 The Ritz-Carlton Suite, Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo — $25,000/night
View: Maps | KML


8 The Penthouse at The Setai, South Beach, Miami — $30,000/night
View: Maps | KML


7 Villa Le Cupola Suite, Westin Excelsior, Rome — $31,000/night
View: Maps | 7-Westin.kml


6 The Royal Villa at the Grand Resort Lagonissi, Athens — $32,000/night
View: Maps | KML


5 The Presidential Suite, Hotel Cala di Volpe, Costa Smeralda, Sardinia — $34,000/night
View: Maps | KML


4 Penthouse Prestige Apartment, Hotel Martinez, Cannes, France — $35,000/night
View: Maps | KML


3 Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel, New York — $35,000/night
View: Maps | KML


2 Hugh Hefner Sky Villa, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas — $40,000/night
View: Maps | KML


1 The Royal Penthouse Suite, President Wilson Hotel, Geneva — $65,000/night
View: Maps | KML


Have you ever been fortunate enough to stay in one of these hotels (even outside of the suites listed here)? If not, do you have a favorite hotel due to its location, view, amenities?

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